Will you introduce your organization?
NOC Indonesia is a sports governing body in Indonesia, it has established its function as the key leader in promoting, developing and maintaining high performance sports in the country. It also has the right to propose, plan, and organize multisport events from the regional to international level.
What is your main role?
My main role in NOC Indonesia is related to highperformance management through a sport development commission program including data management, performance analysis, and long-term sport development project such as the establishment of the Olympic Training Centre. The other role assigned through the NOC structure is to plan and deliver the multi-event project such as Olympic Bidding and ANOC World Beach Games, Sea Games, Asian Games, etc.
Were there any cases when you should utilize what you learned from DTM?
The DTM program enabled me to think critically on every aspect of management, especially for my role which is related to data management. Also, it helped me with how to utilize such data and information to keep up with the trend in the sport industry and to find necessary improvements to implement in a particular project. We learned about sport event management, in theory. Therefore, I had some insight into how the event was delivered in different enviornments, and nowadays I normally combine my experience, what I learned, and what can be implemented in particular events.
How did the DTM experience help you to upgrade yourself in NOC?
It helped me in understanding that the sports industry had evolved over time and it is important for us as professionals to keep upgrading ourselves with new information, a broader network, and various skills. We learned from our professors who were experts on various subjects. They encouraged us to oversee the trend in the sport industry while teaching and giving us assignments. Those habits remain important for me to carry on my tasks and achieve more or initiate such programs in the NOC.